
From Resistance in Belgium

SELECT ?person ?personLabel ?placeOfDeath ?placeOfDeathLabel ?GPS ?dateOfDeath WHERE {

 ?person wdt:P1 wd:Q2 .                      # Selects all people (P1 = Q2)
 ?person wdt:P48 ?placeOfDeath .             # Retrieves the places of death (P48)
 ?placeOfDeath wdt:P6 ?GPS .                 # Retrieves the GPS coordinates of the places of death (P6)
 OPTIONAL { ?person wdt:P68 ?dateOfDeath .   # Retrieves the date of death, if available
            FILTER(?dateOfDeath <= "1945-12-31"^^xsd:dateTime)  # Filters deaths: up until the end of 1945
 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en,[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }  # Retrieves the labels in English
