SELECT ?person ?surname ?firstName ?birthDate WHERE {
?person wdt:P1 wd:Q2 . # Selects all elements that are (P1) persons (Q2) ?person wdt:P52 wd:Q4367 . # Filters by membership in an organisation ("member of", P52), here "Tempo" (Q4367) (replace Q4367 with the organisation of your choice using autocomplete (Control + space)) ?person wdt:P67 ?birthDate . # Adds the birth date (P67) ?person wdt:P3 ?surname . # Retrieves the surname (P3) ?person wdt:P2 ?firstName . # Retrieves the first name (P2) SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en,[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". } # Retrieves the label in English