From Resistance in Belgium
    (Redirected from Consult)
    This page contains changes which are not marked for translation.

    Content and sources

    What is the purpose of this database?
    Which information can be found?
    What is the origin of the data?
    Are all data points translated into the national languages?
    How to know when fresh data will be added to the database?

    How to organise your research

    How can I carry out research in Resistance in Belgium?
    How can I combine different search criteria?
    Why does it take so long for the search results to be displayed?

    Data unavailable, false or incomplete

    I search for the name of a person but no result is displayed. Why?
    Why does my SPARQL query return no results?
    The amount of information available may be different from one person to the other and sometimes data is missing. Why?
    It seems that some information are contradictory depending on the file from which they originate. Why is that and how do I know which data is reliable?
    I have noticed content errors. Who should I contact?

    Re-use of data

    How to save search results?
    How do I quote items from the database?

    Access to paper archives

    I would like to consult individual records, files, or forms to further deepen my research, how should I proceed?

    Specificities of the personal files of resistance fighters

    What is the use of the preparatory files when the status files are available?
    Why do we not have the preparatory files of all the armed resistance movements
    Why do we not have all preparatory files of the members of the armed resistance movements whose personal files are kept by the State Archives?
    Why do we only have the preparatory files opened by the State Security Service (Sûreté de l’Etat/Staatsveiligheid) for the granting of the Status of intelligence and intervention agent and not the official status recognition files opened by Defence?
    Why are there more files about members of Groupe G and Nola than about members of other armed resistance movements?

    Specific features of the platform

    Which are the advantages of Resistance in Belgium?
    Which is the connection between the database and the search engine of the State Archives (search.arch.be)?
    Why is the domain name data.arch.be?

    Participation in the project

    I have complementary information that I would like to add. Is this possible?
    I take great interest in the Second World War and would like to contribute to the project. Are you looking for trainees/volunteers?
    I work for an institution that also holds archives about the resistance in Belgium. Is there a possibility to collaborate?