The platform houses thousands of data and shall be fed continuously in the course of the coming months through supply and verification of the remaining data. Today, the data contained in the individual files opened by the State Security Service (Sûreté de l’Etat/Staatsveiligheid) about intelligence and intervention agents (46 340) and the files opened by armed resistance movements for the recognition of their members as armed resitants (35 130) are conserved by CegeSoma and have been integrated into the database.
Data from the following records will also be added:
- 25 247 personal files about the Status of resistance fighter of the underground press conserved by the Archives Service for War Victims, and an additional 15 247 preparatory files from Union de la presse clandestine and Front de l’Indépendance.
- 44 076 personal files about the Status of civil resitance fighter conserved by the Archives Service for War Victims, and 5 183 forms filed by the Front de l’Indépendance.
- ~140 000 personal files of the Office de la Résistance about the Status of armed resistance fighter conserved by the National Archives.