All translations
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Found 4 translations.
Name | Current message text |
h German (de) | # Automatically retrieve labels or in English SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],de". } } # GROUP BY ?person ?Nachname ?Vorname ?OrtLabel ?Geburtsdatum ?ArchivsammlungLabel ?Inventarnummer ORDER BY ASC(?OrtLabel) ASC(?Nachname) ASC(?Vorname) | chart=bordercloud.visualization.DataTable | class=my-table-class | options=scrollX:true!scrollY:true!ordering:true | endpoint = | log=2 }} </div> |
h English (en) | # Automatically retrieve labels or in English SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } } # GROUP BY ?person ?LastName ?FirstName ?ResidenceLabel ?birthDate ?ArchiveCollectionLabel ?InventoryNumber ORDER BY ASC(?ResidenceLabel) ASC(?LastName) ASC(?FirstName) | chart=bordercloud.visualization.DataTable | class=my-table-class | options=scrollX:true!scrollY:true!ordering:true | endpoint = | log=2 }} </div> |
h French (fr) | # Récupérer les labels automatiquement ou en français SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],fr". } } # GROUP BY ?personne ?Nom ?Prenom ?DomicileLabel ?dateNaissance ?FondsArchivesLabel ?NoInventaire ORDER BY ASC(?DomicileLabel) ASC(?Nom) ASC(?Prenom) | chart=bordercloud.visualization.DataTable | class=my-table-class | options=scrollX:true!scrollY:true!ordering:true | endpoint = | log=2 }} </div> |
h Dutch (nl) | # Automatically retrieve labels prioritizing Dutch (NL), then fallback to auto language SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "nl,[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". } } ORDER BY ASC(?WoonplaatsLabel) ASC(?Achternaam) ASC(?Voornaam) | chart=bordercloud.visualization.DataTable | class=my-table-class | options=scrollX:true!scrollY:true!ordering:true | endpoint = | log=2 }} </div> |