assistance to illegals (Q4170): Difference between revisions

From Resistance in Belgium
(‎Added [fr] alias: participation active aux chaînes d'évasion)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in de, en: import items desc EN + DE)
Tag: openrefine-3.7
(5 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
label / nllabel / nl
hulp aan illegalen
label / delabel / de
Hilfe für Illegale
label / enlabel / en
assistance to illegals
description / frdescription / fr
englobe les différents types d'aide apportés sous l'Occupation aux personnes prisonniers, aviateurs, parachutistes, Juifs, Russes, résistants recherchés ou réfractaires au travail obligatoire
englobe les différents types d'aide apportée sous l'Occupation aux soldats et aviateurs alliés, aux agents parachutés, aux Juifs, aux Russes évadés, aux résistants recherchés, aux réfractaires au travail obligatoire et aux familles des prisonniers politiques
description / nldescription / nl
omvat alle hulp die tijdens de bezetting geboden werd aan geallieerde soldaten en piloten, gedropte agenten, Joden, ontsnapte Russen, gezochte verzetslui, werkweigeraars en aan de families van politieke gevangenen
description / dedescription / de
Bezeichnet die verschiedenen Formen der Hilfe für alliierte Soldaten und Flieger, Juden, verfolgte Widerstandskämpfer, Fallschirmagenten, geflüchtete Russen, Zwangsarbeitsverweigerer und Familien von politischen Gefangenen
description / endescription / en
comprises the different forms of aid under the occupation to allied soldiers and airmen, Jews, persecuted resistance fighters, parachuted agents, escaped Russians, conscientious objectors to forced labour and families of political prisoners
Property / type of element
Property / type of element: type of resistance / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 14:26, 6 February 2024

comprises the different forms of aid under the occupation to allied soldiers and airmen, Jews, persecuted resistance fighters, parachuted agents, escaped Russians, conscientious objectors to forced labour and families of political prisoners
Language Label Description Also known as
assistance to illegals
comprises the different forms of aid under the occupation to allied soldiers and airmen, Jews, persecuted resistance fighters, parachuted agents, escaped Russians, conscientious objectors to forced labour and families of political prisoners
