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From Resistance in Belgium
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SELECT ?PaysLabel ?DomicileLabel  ?Nom ?Prenom (CONCAT("<a href='", STR(?personne), "' target='_blank'>", REPLACE(STR(?personne), "", ""), "</a>") AS ?PersonneID)
SELECT ?CountryLabel ?ResidenceLabel ?LastName ?FirstName
    (CONCAT(SUBSTR(STR(?dateNaissance), 1, 4), "-", SUBSTR(STR(?dateNaissance), 6, 2), "-", SUBSTR(STR(?dateNaissance), 9, 2)) AS ?DateNaissance)
(CONCAT("<a href='", STR(?person), "' target='_blank'>", REPLACE(STR(?person), "", ""), "</a>") AS ?PersonID)
?NoInventaire ?FondsArchivesLabel
(CONCAT(SUBSTR(STR(?birthDate), 1, 4), "-", SUBSTR(STR(?birthDate), 6, 2), "-", SUBSTR(STR(?birthDate), 9, 2)) AS ?BirthDate)
?InventoryNumber ?ArchiveCollectionLabel

WHERE {   
WHERE {   
   ?personne wdt:P7 ?Domicile.  # Trouver des personnes avec un domicile connu (P7)
   ?person wdt:P7 ?Residence.  # Find people with a known residence (P7)
   ?Domicile wdt:P12 ?Pays.     # Trouver les domiciles et leur pays (P14)
   ?Residence wdt:P12 ?Country. # Find residence and their country (P12)

FILTER (?Pays NOT IN (wd:Q5, wd:Q4029))  
FILTER (?Country NOT IN (wd:Q5, wd:Q4029)) # Exclude Belgium and France

   OPTIONAL { ?personne wdt:P2 ?Prenom }   
   OPTIONAL { ?person wdt:P2 ?FirstName }   
   OPTIONAL { ?personne wdt:P3 ?Nom }   
   OPTIONAL { ?person wdt:P3 ?LastName }   
   OPTIONAL { ?personne wdt:P67 ?dateNaissance }
   OPTIONAL { ?person wdt:P67 ?birthDate }   
  # Lien vers les collections et numéro d'inventaire
  # Link to collections and inventory number
   ?personne p:P34 ?DeclarationArchives .  
   ?person p:P34 ?ArchiveDeclaration .  
   ?DeclarationArchives ps:P34 ?FondsArchives .  
   ?ArchiveDeclaration ps:P34 ?ArchiveCollection .  
   ?DeclarationArchives pq:P35 ?NoInventaire .
   ?ArchiveDeclaration pq:P35 ?InventoryNumber .

   # Récupérer les labels automatiquement en français
   # Automatically retrieve labels in English
   SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],fr". }   
   SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }   

ORDER BY ASC(?PaysLabel) ASC(?DomicileLabel) ASC(?Nom)
ORDER BY ASC(?CountryLabel) ASC(?ResidenceLabel) ASC(?LastName)

Revision as of 20:05, 4 October 2024

Foreign Resistance Members

Below is the complete list of people who were living in a country other than Belgium or France during or just after the Second World War, for whom a file or record was established by the Sûreté de l'État. Note that the places of residence have been "modernized" according to current countries and borders, particularly to facilitate data visualizations and other analyses.

The search bar, located at the top right of the list, allows you to filter the results by country, city, or any other term. By clicking on a person's identifier (blue link), you will access their complete record to view all registered data about them. The table also contains the reference for the individual file held by the State Archives. For more information on consulting paper archives, please see the FAQ.

For more complex searches, combining multiple criteria or gathering more information, please visit the page dedicated to cross-search queries.

Good to know: you have the option to download this data in CSV format, which you can open with programs like LibreOffice Calc.

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