Translations:Project:SPARQL/examples/65/fr: Revision history

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Legend: (cur) = difference with latest revision, (prev) = difference with preceding revision, m = minor edit.

15 October 2024

  • curprev 19:0019:00, 15 October 2024Adminagr talk contribs 406 bytes +406 Created page with " { ?personne wdt:P55 ?statutObtenu. FILTER(?statutObtenu IN (wd:Q17, wd:Q4487)) } # Filtre pour les statuts de reconnaissance ARA (Q17) ou FFC (Q4487) UNION # OU { ?personne p:P54 ?statement. ?statement ps:P54 wd:Q17; pq:P56 wd:Q6665. # Les personnes ayant reçu une lettre de remerciement (Q6665) BIND("lettre de remerciements ARA" AS ?LR)}"